Cost of Dental Implants

The Cost of Dental Implants Is an Investment in Your Oral Health

Dr. Couvelis can walk you through the cost of dental implants at his Chicago dental practice so that you know what to expect before beginning treatment. The cost of dental implants will vary for every patient, as it depends on a variety of factors.

It is important to understand that dental implants are a life-long investment in your oral and general health, which makes the cost worthwhile.

Factors Affecting Total Cost of Dental Implants

Dental implant treatment can be a long process and there are a number of factors that will affect the total costs.

Learn the Cost of Dental Implants in Chicago at North Pier Dental

Cost varies considerably from case to case. Dr. Couvelis can break down the cost of your treatment once he knows the details of your situation.

Preliminary Procedures

If you require any preliminary procedures to become eligible for dental implants, the cost of these procedures will affect your total treatment cost. Most commonly, patients require a bone graft or sinus lift to help rebuild jaw tissue to properly support implants.

In some cases, patients have other underlying oral health conditions such as cavities or gum disease that will require treatment prior to implant placement.

Number and Type of Implants Placed

The number of implants you require will affect treatment costs. Most patients require at least four to six implants. Patients requiring just one or two implants will have lower costs than patients who require six or more implants.

There are also different types of implants that can affect costs. Traditional dental implants are typically the most expensive, followed by All-on-4® implants, with mini implants being the most affordable option.

Cost of Implant-Supported Restoration

The type of restoration you require as well as the material it is crafted from will impact dental implant costs. A single crown will cost less than a bridge or full denture.

The material you choose for your restoration will impact your costs as well. Natural-looking, tooth-colored restorations are more aesthetically pleasing, but typically cost more.

“We are committed to detailed advanced planning so that our patients can budget accordingly, and make dental implants a realistic option for smile rejuvenation.”

Depending on the location of your implants, you may also require a temporary restoration in addition to your permanent restoration. While most restorations are permanently affixed, some patients may select a removable option, which can be more costly.

Insurance Coverage

Dental implant treatment is typically not fully covered by insurance companies. Some companies may cover a portion of the treatment, whereas other companies may not cover any portion of treatment. You should call your insurance company ahead of time to find out what out-of-pocket expenses you will be responsible for so that you can plan accordingly.

Dentist's Experience

The work of an experienced dentist typically costs more; however, you can be assured that with the higher price comes a higher quality of work and state-of-the-art care.

Some dental offices quote very low prices. However, these quotes often come from less experienced dentists and do not include many of the costs listed above.

The Value of Dental Implants

Dental implants and implant-supported restorations are far more than just an aesthetic enhancement. Though implants do offer cosmetic benefits, their oral health benefits, which can directly impact your overall health, make them worth the investment. Dental implants provide unparalleled support and stability while offering unmatched comfort and function.

Schedule Your Consultation

If you are interested in dental implants but would like to receive more information about the costs involved, contact our office today to schedule your consultation and receive your estimate.

We are committed to detailed advanced planning so that our patients can budget accordingly, and make dental implants a realistic option for smile rejuvenation.

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Dental Implants Overview

All-on-4 Dental Implants